Part Four - Story 4
Halaman Beranda No.20
Home Page No.20
Di Daerah Hong Yang,
In Hong Yang's Region,
hidup seorang Pelajar yang bernama Cu Wei Cheng.
there lived a student named Cu Wei Cheng.
Di rumah-nya terdapat sebuah kolam bunga lotus yang belum berbunga.
In his house there is a lotus pond that has not yet bloomed.
Pada masa Pemerintahan Khang Si,
During the Khang Si's Reign,
di kala dia akan pergi untuk mengikuti Ujian Tingkat Propinsi,
when he was going to take the Provincial Examination,
mendadak di kolam itu tumbuh sekuntum bunga teratai yang indah dan harum semerbak.
suddenly in the pond grew a lotus flower which was beautiful and fragrant.
Dalam hati-nya berpikir pasti ini adalah pertanda
In his heart, he thought this was a sign
bahwa dia akan dapat lulus ujian.
that he would pass the exam.
Sehingga di saat senja hari,
So that at dusk,
dia duduk santai di pinggir kolam
he sits relaxed by the pool
sambil menikmati arak.
while enjoying the wine.
Setelah minum beberapa teguk,
After drinking a few sips,
dia melihat pelayan yang melayani-nya memiliki paras yang cantik,
he saw that the servant who served him had a beautiful face,
sehingga timbul-lah niat untuk menggoda-nya.
so there was an intention to tempt her.
Kemudian dengan arak,
Then with wine,
dia membuat pelayan tersebut menjadi mabuk, lalu dinodai-nya.
he made the waiter intoxicated, then he tarnished her.
Keesokan hari-nya,
The next day,
bunga teratai itu menjadi layu karena hal itu.
the lotus flower withered because of this.
Malam-nya dia ber-mimpi
That night he dreamed
bahwa Buddha Kwan Kong datang memperlihatkan Buku Jasa Pahala pada-nya.
that Kwan Kong's Buddha came to show him the Merit's Book.
Only then,
dia menyadari bahwa sebenarnya nama-nya ada tertulis di Buku tersebut
he realized that his name was actually written in that Book
namun telah dihapus.
but it had been deleted.
Lalu dia dengan sedih berlutut dan memohon agar Buddha mengampuni-nya,
Then he sadly knelt down and begged Buddha to forgive him,
tetapi sampai tiga kali ditendang keluar.
but he was kicked out three times.
Setelah sadar dari mimpi-nya,
After awakening from his dream,
dia tahu bahwa diri-nya telah berbuat kesalahan besar,
he knew that he had made a big mistake,
lalu dengan hati yang tidak tenang tetap pergi mengikuti ujian.
and with an uneasy heart, he still went for the exam.
Hasil-nya, dia memang gagal,
As a result, he did fail,
lalu dengan berderai air mata pulang ke rumah.
then with tears in his eyes, he returned home.
Di kemudian hari,
In the future,
dia selalu gagal dalam setiap ujian,
he always failed in every exam,
malahan harta-nya habis dan hidup dalam kemiskinan.
instead his wealth ran out and he lived in poverty.
Mencius berkata,
Mencius said,
“Orang yang miskin, cita-cita-nya tak boleh berubah,
"Poor's people, their ideals must not change.
Orang kaya jangan-lah melanggar pantangan berzinah”.
Rich's people do not violate the abstinence of adultery".
Cu Wei Cheng karena mekar-nya bunga lotus
Cu Wei Cheng, due to the blooming of the lotus's flower,
menjadi kegirangan dan lupa diri.
became overjoyed and forgot himself.
Karena perbuatan-nya yang tidak ber-moral itu,
Because of his immoral deeds,
semua kejayaan dan harta-nya akhir-nya menjadi habis.
all his glory and wealth eventually run out.
Memang akibat daripada berzinah ini amat-lah menakutkan.
Indeed, the consequences of this adultery are terrifying.
Wu Ik Ce composed a verse,
“Bunga Teratai sedang mekar di tengah kolam,
"The lotus's flower is blooming in the middle of the pond,
Per-tanda yang baik berubah menjadi buruk,
The signs of good turn to be bad,
Satu niat yang salah, nama akan terhapuskan,
One wrong intention, names will be erased,
Berzinah lebih tajam dari sebilah pisau yang sadis”.
Adultery is sharper than a sadistic knife.