Part Fourteen - 26 - Story 1
Halaman Beranda No.85
Home Page No.85
Cerita 1 :
Story 1 :
Ada seorang Dokter yang bermarga Chen,
There is a doctor with surnamed Chen,
dia sangat baik dan suka ber-Amal,
he is very kind and likes to give charity,
juga sering mengobati Orang dengan percuma.
he also often treat the sick people, and they do not have to pay.
Pada suatu hari,
One day,
seorang pasien miskin yang bernama Chai He
a poor patient named Chai He
datang-lah untuk berobat dengan-nya.
came to seek treatment with him.
Setelah selesai berobat,
After he finished treatment,
Chai He tidak ada uang untuk membayar biaya obat
Chai He does not have money to pay for the medicine
dan dia juga tidak ingin memungut biaya dari pasien itu.
and he also didn't want to collect fees from the patient.
Karena ini-lah,
Because of this,
Keluarga Chai He merasa sangat ber-Terimakasih kepada-nya.
the Chai He Family felt very grateful to him.
Kemudian, pernah satu kali karena sudah kemalaman
Then, once because it was late
dan kebetulan melewati rumah Chai He,
and happened to pass by Chai He's house,
ditambah lagi hujan di luar sangat deras,
plus it was raining very hard outside,
jadi dia menginap di rumah Chai He semalam.
so he stayed over at Chai He's house for the night.
Dan pada saat tengah malam,
And at midnight,
Ibu-nya Chai He berbicara kepada Menantu-nya,
Chai He's mother spoke to her daughter-in-law,
“Karena Dokter Chen-lah Suami-mu dapat sembuh,
"Because Doctor Chen, your husband can recover,
budi ini masih belum dibalas,
this virtue has not been repaid,
malam ini ada kesempatan untuk membalas budi-nya,
tonight there is an opportunity to repay the favor.
kamu layani-lah beliau malam ini
you serve him tonight
sebagai tanda balas budi kita kepada-nya”.
as a sign of our gratitude to him".
Tentu saja sang Menantu
Of course the daughter-in-law
tidak berani menentang perintah Ibu Mertua,
did not dare to defy Mother-in-law's orders,
maka dia langsung menuju kamar
so she went straight to the room
dan dengan mengulum senyum yang manis mendekati-nya.
and with a sweet smile approached him.
Dokter Chen tahu akan maksud kedatangan-nya
Doctor Chen knew the purpose of her arrival
dan bertanya pada-nya,
and asked her,
“Apakah kamu tidak takut diketahui oleh Ibu Mertua-mu ?”.
"Are you not afraid of being knowing by your Mother-in-Law ?".
Nyonya Chai menjawab,
Mrs. Chai replied,
“Ini justru adalah perintah dari Ibu Mertua”.
"This is precisely an order from my Mother-in-Law."
“Lalu apakah kamu tidak takut ketahuan oleh Suami-mu ?”,
"Then are you not afraid of being caught by your husband ?",
tanya-nya lagi.
he asked again.
“Nyawa Suami-ku kamu yang menolong,
"You already help my husband's life,
tentu dia tidak akan keberatan”,
of course he will not object",
jawab-nya dengan tenang.
she replied calmly.
“Tidak boleh”, ketus-nya.
"You can't", he said.
“Mengapa tidak boleh ?”,
“Why can't ?”
Nyonya Chai masih saja berkeras kepala
Mrs. Chai was still stubborn
dan tak bersedia keluar dari kamar.
and refused to leave the room.
“Pokoknya tidak boleh !”,
“The point is not allowed !”,
dia tetap tidak goyah.
he still did not waver.
Nyonya Chai justru semakin menggoda-nya,
Mrs. Chai tempted him even more,
sehingga membuat dia tidak berani tidur
thus that he didn't dare to sleep
dan hanya duduk di kursi sampai Matahari terbit.
and just sat on the chair until the sunrise.
Tapi wanita itu masih terus memeluk-nya,
But the woman continued to hug him,
jadi dia menggunakan jari-nya
so he used his finger
menulis dua huruf “Tidak boleh” di atas meja.
to write letters "No" on the table.
Dan biar bagaimana-pun digoda serta dirayu,
And no matter how she seduced and tempted him,
hati-nya tetap sabar dan teguh.
his heart remains patient and persistent.
Bahkan sampai di saat sudah tidak bisa menahan diri lagi,
Even when he could no longer hold back,
dia masih saja memaksakan diri
he still forced himself
untuk menulis kata “Tidak boleh” di atas meja.
to write the word "No" on the table.
Akhir-nya setelah hari sudah mulai terang,
Finally, after the day was getting bright,
dia baru meninggalkan tempat itu.
he can left the place.
Dokter Chen mempunyai seorang Putra
Doctor Chen had a son
yang sedang mengikuti Ujian Tingkat Kecamatan,
who was taking the Sub District Level Examination,
namun karena sajak-sajak-nya kurang bagus,
but because his poetry was not good enough,
maka Pengawas ujian itu menaruh kertas ujian itu
the Examination's Supervisor put the exam paper
di sebelah
next to him
bersama kertas ujian lain-nya
along with other exam papers
yang tidak bagus juga.
which were not good either.
Dan mendadak
And suddenly
ada suara yang berkata, “Tidak boleh”.
there was a voice that said, "No".
Maka dia memeriksa sekali lagi,
So he checked one more time,
tapi tetap tidak bisa lulus,
but still couldn't pass,
dan baru saja akan menaruh ke samping lagi,
and he was just about to put it aside again,
ada suara lagi yang berkata, “Tidak boleh”.
another voice said, “You can't”.
Sampai ke-tiga kali-nya
Until the third time,
masih mendengar suara yang mengatakan, “Tidak boleh”.
he still heard a voice saying, "You can't".
Maka Pengawas ujian itu berpikir
So the Examination's Supervisor thought
bahwa Leluhur Orang ini pasti mempunyai Kebajikan yang besar,
that the Ancestral of this person must have had great Virtue,
baru-lah dengan terpaksa meluluskan-nya.
then he insisted on passing that young man exam.
Putra dari Dokter Cheng lulus juga pada Ujian Tingkat Propinsi
Doctor Chen's son also passed the Provincial Level Examination
dan Anak-Cucu-nya terkenal,
and his grandchildren was famous,
Nama harum sepanjang masa.
the name is fragrant for all time.