Part Fourteen - 26 - Story 2
Halaman Beranda No.86
Home Page No.86
Cerita 2 :
Story 2 :
Wang Yu Tao termasuk salah satu Orang ternama,
Wang Yu Tao is one of the famous people,
dia mempunyai seorang Istri yang bermarga Meng.
he has a wife who is surnamed Meng.
Pada suatu Tahun,
One year,
karena akan mengikuti Ujian Negara
because he was going to take the State Examination,
maka dia berangkat menuju ke Ibukota,
he left for the capital,
dan dia menyuruh Istri-nya
and he told his wife
untuk pulang ke rumah Ibu-nya
to return to her mother's house
selama beberapa hari.
for a few days.
Sewaktu Meng melakukan perjalanan pulang ke rumah-nya,
When Meng made her way back to her home,
di tengah perjalanan mendadak saja
in the middle of the trip suddenly,
turun hujan yang amat deras,
it rained very hard,
sehingga dia harus berteduh
so she had to take shelter
di suatu tempat peristirahatan
in a resting place
untuk menunggu hujan reda.
to wait for the rain to stop.
Tak lama kemudian
Not long after,
terlihat ada seorang Pemuda berlarian datang
a young man was seen running and coming
dan memasuki tempat peristirahatan itu
and entering the resting place
untuk berteduh pula.
to take shelter too.
Dan sampai saat Matahari terbenam,
And until the time the sun went down,
hujan masih belum reda juga,
the rain still had not stopped,
sehingga mereka harus menginap
so they had to stay
satu malam di sana,
one night there,
dan setelah hari sudah agak terang
and after the day got a little bright,
baru-lah bisa meninggalkan tempat itu.
they could leave the place.
Pada saat itu baru nampak,
At that moment,
yang Pria sangat-lah tampan
it looks the male one is very handsome,
sedangkan yang Wanita sangat cantik
while the female is very beautiful
bagai bidadari.
like an angel.
Tapi dalam hati mereka masing-masing
But in their hearts each of them
sama sekali tidak timbul niat yang bukan-bukan
did not arise at all inappropriate intentions
dan saling mengambil jalan sendiri,
and took each other's own path,
sepatah kata pun tidak saling berucap.
not a word was spoken to each other.
Sesampai-nya Meng di rumah,
When Meng arrived home,
Adik Ipar-nya bertanya
her younger sister-in-law asked her
dimana dia menginap semalam ?
where she stayed the night?
Lalu Meng menjawab
Then Meng replied
bahwa dia tidur di tempat peristirahatan
that she slept in a resting place
beserta seorang Pria lain,
with another man,
dan untung-lah
and fortunately
Pria itu sangat baik,
the man was very good,
kalau tidak, hancur-lah hidup-nya.
otherwise, her life would be ruined.
Karena dia adalah seorang yang pandai ber-sastra,
Because she was good in literary,
maka dia membuat sebuah syair yang berbunyi,
she made a verse which reads,
“Hujan lebat, berteduh bersama di tempat peristirahatan,
"Heavy rain, shelter together in resting places,
Saat tengah malam sama sekali tiada suara dan tindakan,
At midnight there is no sound and no action at all,
Pria dan wanita saling menghadap ke arah berlawanan,
Men and women facing each other in opposite directions,
Ternyata sang Pria berbudi baik serta ber-Kebajikan”.
It turned out that the man was virtuous man and having virtue ”.
Sepulang-nya Wang Yu Tao dari ujian,
After Wang Yu Tao returned from the exam,
Adik-nya kemudian menceritakan kisah Kakak Ipar-nya.
his younger sister then told him the story of his elder sister-in-law.
Dan juga syair yang dibuat oleh Kakak Ipar-nya juga dibacakan,
And also the verses made by his elder sister-in-law were also read,
tapi hanya ingat tiga bait pertama saja,
but he only remembering the first three stanzas,
sisa-nya dia ubah sendiri menjadi,
the rest, he changed it by himself,
“Aku tidak kalah dengan Yik Chan Cien ( wanita tercantik di Cina )”.
"I am not inferior to Yik Chan Cien ( the most beautiful woman in China )".
Mendengar semua itu,
Hearing all this,
Wang Yu Tao menjadi amat gusar
Wang Yu Tao got very upset
lalu menyuruh Istri-nya keluar
and ordered his wife to come out
dan pada saat itu juga
and at that very moment,
dia menulis surat perceraian
he wrote a divorce letter
yang dia masukkan ke dalam amplop.
which he put in an envelope.
Kemudian dia menyuruh Istri-nya
Then he told his wife
untuk kembali ke kampung halaman-nya,
to return to his hometown,
dan ber-bohong kepada-nya,
and lied to her,
“Bapak Mertua tiba-tiba jatuh sakit,
"Father-in-law suddenly fell ill,
kamu cepat-cepat-lah pulang ke rumah
you hurry back home
mewakili saya menjenguk Bapak Mertua”.
on behalf of me to visit father-in-law".
Meng sama sekali tidak merasa curiga,
Meng did not feel suspicious at all,
lalu dia pulang ke rumah-nya
so she returned to her house
dan menyerahkan surat cerai itu kepada Ayah-nya
and handed over the divorce papers to her father,
yang ternyata masih sehat walafiat.
who was still in good health.
Begitu sang Ayah membaca surat itu,
As soon as the father read the letter,
sama sekali tidak ada komentar apa-apa,
there was absolutely no comment whatsoever,
lalu menyerahkan surat itu kepada Meng,
then handed the letter to Meng,
yang langsung tidak sadarkan diri
who immediately fell unconscious
setelah membaca-nya.
after reading it.
Kembali ke Wang Yu Tao,
Returning to Wang Yu Tao,
dia menerima kabar
he received the news
bahwa diri-nya telah berhasil lulus ujian
that he had successfully passed the exam
dan mendapat ranking ke-dua.
and was ranked second.
Dia merasa girang bukan main,
He was so excited,
lalu dengan buru-buru menemui pengawas ujian,
then hurriedly met the Exam's Spervisor,
dan kebetulan saat itu
and it just so happened
juga Liu Chun Seng yang mendapat ranking pertama juga berada di situ.
that Liu Chun Seng who got first place was also there.
Pengawas ujian bertanya kepada-nya,
The Exam's Supervisor asked him,
“Kamu telah berbuat Kebajikan besar apa ?”.
"What great good deed have you done ?".
Liu Chun Seng berkata, “Tidak ada”.
Liu Chun Seng said, "Nothing".
Pengawas itu berkata lagi,
The Supervisor said again,
“Aneh ? !.
“Strange ? !
Sampai tiga kali saya periksa,
Until I checked three times,
sebenarnya kamu tidak bisa lulus,
actually you couldn't pass,
namun di saat
but at the time,
kertas ujian-mu itu akan saya ke-samping-kan,
I would put your exam paper aside,
mendadak saja ada satu perasaan yang mengatakan pada-ku
suddenly there was a feeling that told me
bahwa kertas-mu itu tidak boleh dibuang,
that your paper shouldn't be thrown away,
jadi tidak mungkin
so it's impossible
kalau kamu tidak ber-Jasa yang besar ?”
if you do not have great merit ? "
Mendengar sampai sini,
Hearing this far,
baru-lah Liu Chun Seng teringat
Liu Chun Seng remembered
dan menceritakan kejadian
and recounted the incident
di tempat peristirahatan itu.
at the resting place.
Wang Yu Tao setelah mendengar cerita-nya itu menjadi sadar
Wang Yu Tao after hearing the story became aware
dan berkata,
and said,
“Nyonya muda itu adalah Istri-ku !.
"The young madame is my wife !
Dan ternyata
And apparently
aku telah salah paham malah menceraikan-nya”.
I had misunderstood and even divorced her.
Pengawas itu setelah mengetahui kejadian yang sebenarnya,
The Supervisor, after learning of the truth,
lalu menasehati Wang Yu Tao untuk menjemput kembali Istri-nya
advised Wang Yu Tao to take his wife back
dan juga memuji Meng,
and also praised Meng,
“Sungguh-sungguh seorang Istri yang bijaksana!”.
"She is really a wise wife !"
Kemudian Wang Yu Tao sebagai tanda Terimakasih-nya,
Then Wang Yu Tao as a sign of gratitude,
dia menjodohkan Adik perempuan-nya kepada Liu Chun Seng.
he arranged his younger sister for Liu Chun Seng.
Cerita ini sampai sekarang masih dibicarakan oleh Orang-orang
This story is still being talked about by People
sebagai Teladan yang baik.
as a Good Example.