Part Fourteen - 27
Halaman Beranda No.87
Home Page No.87
27. Begitu Hati Tergerak, Dewa Telah Tahu
27. As soon as the heart is moved, the gods already know
Cerita 1 :
Story 1 :
Lu Cong Si memiliki wawasan dan kepandaian yang luas dan tinggi.
Lu Cong Si had wide and high insight and intelligence.
Pada usia-nya yang ke-17,
At the age of 17,
dia mengikuti Guru-nya yang bermarga Chiu
he followed his Teacher surnamed Chiu
tinggal di Ibukota.
to live in the Capital City.
Lu Cong Si termasuk seorang Pria yang tampan dan romantis,
Lu Cong Si was a handsome and romantic man,
di depan rumah-nya ada seorang gadis yang cantik,
there was a beautiful girl in front of his house,
dengan begitu ke-dua Anak muda itu menjadi saling jatuh cinta
so the two young people fell in love with each other
dan sering timbul niat yang tidak senonoh.
and often had inappropriate intentions.
Sang Guru-nya melihat-nya tidak ada kemajuan,
The Teacher saw that he was not progressing,
sadar bahwa Murid-nya itu ada hubungan dengan gadis di seberang,
realizing that his student was related to the girl on the other side,
sehingga menasehati-nya dan berkata,
so advised him and said,
“Dewa di sini sangat-lah tepat segala ucapan-nya,
"The god here is very precise in everything he says,
coba-lah kamu ke Kuil untuk ber-sembahyang”.
try going to the temple to pray".
Karena satu ucapan ini-lah,
Because of this one statement,
pada malam hari-nya
at night
mereka ber-dua ber-mimpi bertemu dengan Dewa
the two of them dreamed of meeting the god
yang memberi mereka Nasehat-Nasehat,
who gave them Advice,
lalu memerintahkan Dewa Bagian Pembukuan
then ordered the Bookkeeping's god
untuk memeriksa Nama dan Jasa mereka.
to check their names and merits.
It was known
Lu Cong Si akan ditakdirkan untuk lulus Ujian Negara
that Lu Cong Si would be destined to pass the State Examination
sedangkan Guru Chiu sama sekali tidak ada kejayaan.
while the Chiu's Teacher had absolutely no glory.
Tak lama kemudian
Not long after,
ada Dewa yang mengatakan,
there was a god who said,
“Atas perintah TUHAN,
"By the order of the LORD,
Nama Lu Cong Si dihapus dari Buku kejayaan,
the Lu Cong Si's name was removed from the Book of Glories,
sedangkan Guru Chiu menemui ajal-nya dengan usus terputus”.
while Chiu's Teacher met his end with a severed intestine."
Lu Cong Si menjadi sangat terkejut sampai terbangun,
Lu Cong Si was so shocked that he woke up,
sesudah sadar
after realizing
dia mendapat laporan dari pelayan
he received a report from the servant
bahwa Guru-nya telah meninggal
that his Teacher had died
akibat usus-nya terputus.
because his intestines had been severed.
Dan sejak itu juga
And since then
dia selama satu Kehidupan ini mengalami banyak penderitaan.
he has experienced a lot of suffering during his life.
Lu Cong Si, hanya karena satu pikiran yang tidak lurus saja,
Lu Cong Si, just because of one unrighteous thought,
sehingga menyebabkan kejayaan-nya terhapus,
it caused his glory to be erased,
sedangkan Guru Chiu mendapatkan balasan karma
while Chiu’s Teacher received karmic retaliation
dengan kematian yang sangat mengenaskan,
with a terrible death,
dosa dari berzinah sungguh-lah berat.
the sin of adultery is really heavy.
Kita sebagai Pembina,
We as self-cultivator,
begitu satu pikiran yang tidak lurus timbul,
once an unrighteous thought arises,
Dewa langsung mencatat-nya,
the god immediately notes it,
dosa semakin bertambah,
sins is increasing,
maka kita harus lebih ber-waspada lagi.
so we have to be more careful.
( Hubungan di luar Suami-Istri adalah berzinah.
( Relationships outside husband and wife are adultery.
Sewaktu Hari Besar Para Dewa,
During the great day of the gods,
lebih baik jangan-lah berhubungan intim
it is better not to have sex
sebagai rasa hormat kita terhadap Para Dewa.
as our respect for the gods.
Dan berhubungan hanya boleh di dalam kamar saja,
And intercourse can only be in the room,
tidak boleh di sembarang tempat ).
can not just anywhere ).
The poet Po Yin Ci composed a rhyme,
“Kosong adalah wujud dan wujud adalah kosong,
“Empty is existent and existent is empty,
Huruf sex di atas-nya ada sebilah pisau yang tajam,
The letter sex on it is a sharp knife,
Guru Chiu menemui ajal-nya menuju ke Neraka,
Chiu’s Teacher met his end to Hell,
Lu Cong Si kehilangan semua kejayaan-nya,
Lu Cong Si lost all of his glory,
Jangan-lah terjerumus ke dalam siasat siluman,
Do not fall into the tricks of the demon,
Lanjutkan-lah Kebajikan dari Para Leluhur,
Continue on the Ancestors' Virtue,
Memupuk Kebajikan dan menjalankan TAO,
Cultivating the Virtue and running TAO,
Tak perlu risau kejayaan tak kan datang”.
No need to worry about success not coming ”.